Short-Term Rental Information

Ordinance 2024-4  An Ordinance Repealing Article XX of the City of Black Hawk Municipal Code, Prohibiting Short-Term Rental Properties in the City of Black Hawk, approved February 14, 2024.

What you need to know:

It is the intent of the City Council to prohibit short-term rental properties in the City, effective on the effective date of the adoption of this amendment to Section 6-701, while allowing any such short-term rental properties existing and licensed as of the date of the adoption of this Section to continue as a legal nonconforming use until such uses are abandoned in accordance with Section 16-367 of the City of Black Hawk Municipal Code, or such licensed property is sold, whichever first occurs.

Contact the City Clerk’s office for further information.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Melissa Greiner, CMC City Clerk/Administrative Services Director (303) 582-2292
Michele Martin, CMC Deputy City Clerk (303) 582-2221