June 1, 2013 - Black Hawk Police Department earns Colorado Association of Chief’s of Police “Professional Standards Compliance Award”....read more

In 1986 the Colorado Association of Chief’s of Police (CACP) established a Professional Standards Committee to identify professional operating standards for police agencies in Colorado. The standards initially applied only to police departments, but in 1995 the standards were modified to include all law enforcement agencies within the State of Colorado. A joint committee established numerous standards, which addressed a wide variety of police practices ranging from dispatch operations to department policies.

The Black Hawk Police Department received its first CACP certification in March 2007 which was renewed for another five years in 2013.

The recognition by the Colorado Association of Chief’s of Police marks years of hard work performed by several members of the Black Hawk Police Department, especially Sergeant Tory Jantz who spent countless hours writing department policies. The Award insures that department’s policies and procedures are consistent with the best practices used in police departments across the State of Colorado. In addition, it shows we are committed to maintaining a professional organization. Congratulations to all the members of the Black Hawk Police Department.